private and selective ✖ as written by irma
A vampire with the ability to manipulate fate, Remilia Scarlet is the head and owner of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. She is the mistress of Sakuya, Meiling, and the fairy maids. She is also the older sister (and guardian) of Flandre Scarlet. Remilia has been the mistress of the Scarlet Devil Mansion for well over 500 years now, but has only recently arrived in Gensokyo from the Outside World.
Her past before Gensokyo is a shroud with mystery, and she seldom ever talks about it to anyone that isn’t a resident of her manor. Remilia, alongside Flandre, lived in Romania for hundreds of years. Outside of the occasional travel abroad, she mostly kept to herself, protecting her little sister and only ever leaving her home to hunt the humans of the nearby villages for food. It is unknown to all but her how she came to know the various beings which populate her manor, and, if asked, she is likely to only wave away the question.
After her manor appeared within Gensokyo in the early 2000s, Remilia decided to release a scarlet mist over the land to block out the sun. This, of course, would allow the vampire to move around freely during the day. But her plan was soon discovered and halted. She took her loss with amazing stride however, and has since even befriended some of the natives of the land. Known to all as the charismatic vampire with a habit of throwing parties within the mysterious European manor she calls home on the banks of the Misty Lake.
While Remilia tries to cultivate the image of a mysterious and frightening vampire aristocrat, she is often as childish as her appearance suggests. From saying childish things, to acting self-centered and bratty, the vampire's true self is of a lot more petty and vain nature than she ever likes to admit. Yet, despite this, she knows how to be polite and respectful, (part of the aesthetic is adhering to the rules of hospitality after all) and will act that way unless angered or taunted.
She is well known as a vampire who often seeks out fun and entertainment. It isn’t rare to see her throwing grand parties or order others to cater to her odd whims on a regular basis, anything to ease her ever growing boredom. She will even willingly involve herself in unfavorable situations simply because the alternative would be boring for her.
Above all, however, she possesses an extremely charismatic attitude, always wanting other to join in whatever plot she imagines. She also enjoys doing things with a theatrical flair, solely because it is more fun that way. However, despite all her faults, she is incredibly kind and protective of those close to her. If one can earn her friendship, it is a friendship that will last until the day the world ends. While not as extreme, this sort of attitude even extends down to the large staff of servants she employs within her mansion, showing concern about their well being and needs. Over all, she cares deeply about the mental and physical well being of all the residents of her home, especially that of her younger sister (even when they do all occasionally get on her nerves).
Most importantly one should remember that in many regards Remilia is still very much a child. A child with extremely powerful vampiric powers and a very large ego. Her mannerisms and behavior, outside of her cultivated mask, really only showcasing the fact she is truly just a young girl who never grew up.
POSITIVE. Loyal, Charismatic, Caring, Confidant, Active, Enthusiastic, Youthful.
NEUTRAL. Aggressive, Ambitious, Competitive, Proud, Stubborn, Dramatic.
NEGATIVE. Assertive, Boisterous, Brutal, Childish, Conceited, Egocentric, Extravagant, Fickle.
NAME: Remilia Scarlet.
ALIAS: The Scarlet Devil | Mistress of Scarlet | ‘The Vampire’ | Remi
AGE: 515~ (physically and mentally roughly around 13-14)
DOB | ZODIAC: July 24th 1503 A.D | Leo.
GENDER: Cis Female. (she / her)
ROMANTIC | SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Demiromantic | Pansexual.
SPECIES: Vampire.
HEIGHT | WEIGHT: 4'5" (134.62cm) | 81lbs (36.7kgs).
EYES: Red | cat-like pupils, will glow when casting powerful magic or particularly upset.
HAIR: Light blue, almost silver.
SKIN: Pale white, flawless, almost looks like porcelain.
LIKES: Tea, sweets, wines, Sakuya’s cooking, rare things, entertainment, theater.
DISLIKES: Boredom, rain, garlic, bitter foods, the mundane.
HOBBIES: Parties (throwing them, attending them, whatever, she just really loves parties.) other wise constantly shifting, she’s always looking for new things to keep herself entertained.

'So what the heck as a Gensokyo / Outside World?' put simply, Gensokyo is the main setting where the touhou series takes place. A fae-realm like land located in modern Japan full of myths and legends all unseen from the human eye.
For a much more in-depth (and really well put together) explanation on the Touhou setting, I urge you to look at the doc HERE put together by @fluffghost on twitter/tumblr and linked with permission!

v.MAIN. Main verse all interactions will take place in. Remilia has been living in Gensokyo for a couple of years now, even managing to befriend some of the residents after they stopped the incident she was behind shortly after her arrival. Defaults to after the most current game. (currently, Wily Beast and Weakest Creature)

v.OUTSIDE WORLD. Default verse for interactions that take place outside of Gensokyo. Typically in modern day Tokyo, Japan, but location can be moved around as needed.

v.BEYOND THE BOUNDARY. Turns out Gensokyos place as a land of fantasy makes it connected to more than just one 'reality', all it takes it but a little stroke of fate. (Default main crossover verse.)

v. THE SCARLET MIST INCIDINT. Verse that takes place during the events of Touhou 06 Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.

v. MEMORIES IN SCARLET. Remilia has lived a very long life, and has done much in that time. Before the vampire came to Gensokyo she lived in the Outside World. Her past is largely a mystery, but surely she has plenty a story to tell? (Verse for any threads taking place at any point before Remilia moved to Gensokyo in the early 2000s.)
MANIPULATION OF FATE: Remilia has the ability to manipulate fate. However this ability is fairly vague, and even Remilia herself does not have complete control of it. Her ability can be used to influence the outcome of an event (whether it be for the better or worse) or manipulate the fate of a person or object. This manipulation, over all, tends to be less about direct action or effect, and more about passively ‘pushing’ or ‘weaving’ a target’s fate to change in a certain way through time. For example, saying something along the lines of “You are bound to cross paths with me again” might cause for that to literally take form, having that person continue to frequently end up crossing paths with her even if they otherwise might never have again. However Remilia isn’t always consciously aware of her use of this ability, and it is rare to see her try to consciously call upon it.
HEMOKINESIS: The ability to manipulate blood. Used predominantly in many of her spell cards, she is able to shift and command blood to any shape of her choosing. Most often used to conjure blood lances which are typically used as javelins.
PYROKINESIS: The ability to manipulate fire. Very basic skill wise, used mostly in her spell cards.
“RED MAGIC”: A scarlet colored energy made from calling upon the powers of the night, can be used to create a wide variety of temporary magical objects, most notably chains and lances.
SHAPESHIFTING: Remilia can transform herself into a singular bat, a swarm of bats, or a haze of red mist at will, used mostly for dodging attacks from enemies. In her normal form, her wings will always remain, thus it is impossible for her to pass off completely as a human. She can, however, change the size of her wings at will.
For more detail (including weakness and feeding habits) please look below this section!
❥ SUPERHUMAN STRENGTH. Said to be “as strong as an oni”. She is strong enough to be able to crush large boulders using only her bare hands with ease.
❥ SUPERHUMAN SPEED. Said to be “As fast as a tengu”. She is fast enough that she is able to fly around Earth’s moon in only a few seconds.
❥ SUPERHUMAN STAMINA / ENDURANCE. High enough that she rarely, if ever, will tire herself out in a fight. It’s more likely she’ll simply grow bored of combat and drop it before she becomes physically exhausted because of it.
❥ AMPLIFIED MAGICAL POWERS. The magic she does possess is only strengthened by her vampiric nature.
❥ SUMMONING OF LESSER DEVILS. Can’t be done at the will and requires a proper ritual in order to accomplish.
❥ VAMPIRIC REGENERATION. As long as her body isn’t purified via holy magic, Remilia can heal from virtually any injury/damage she receives at an extremely accelerated rate.
FLIGHT: Well… she does have wings. Without the influence of her shapeshifting magic to make them smaller, Remilia’s wings are naturally large enough to grant her flight.
DANMAKU: The typical fighting style that exists in Gensokyo, also known as spell card duels. These kinds of battles are not lethal and are preferred over normal fighting because it avoids bloodshed. A list of her spell cards can be found HERE.
for a visual reference as to how spellcard duels look like in a 3D space, look at the video HERE
❥ Superhuman strength, speed, stamina and endurance. (Said to be “as strong as an oni” and “as fast as a tengu”)
❥ Amplified magical powers.
❥ Summoning of lesser devils.
❥ Vampiric regeneration.
❥ Sunlight will cause the skin to flake and peel. Extremely painful. Remilia will always carry a parasol with her for shade if she’s out during the day.
❥ Inability to cross flowing water. This includes rain and as such will remain indoors during a storm. Taking a boat or flying over streams bypasses this.
❥ Flames have the power of purification. Areas contacted by flames will char black instantaneously. However, if the contact was brief, she can regenerate fairly quickly.
❥ Silver weapons have a purification aspect to them. Because of this, they are very effective against vampires like Remilia.
❥ Any object meant to spiritually purify a youkai will have an effect on her (ofuda, holy water, ect.) though to varying degrees.
❥ Roasted soybeans causes her skin to burn. Normal soybeans are fine. Shared with oni.
❥ Inability to get close to sardine heads and broken holly branches. Shared with oni.
❥ Crosses have no effect on her and she finds the idea of crosses harming her kind to be silly. Silver crosses however can have an effect but only do to the purification aspect of silver.
❥ Remilia hates the smell and taste of garlic. It has no other effects on her.
❥ Despite the fact that she needs to consume blood to survive, she is an incredibly light eater (normally spilling more blood than she actually consumes, and never taking enough to actually kill somebody) and doesn’t need to feed all that regularly.
❥ Her favorite blood types are B and A.

The Scarlet Devil Mansion, also referred to as the Scarlet Manor or Scarlet Mansion, is a European-style mansion owned by Remilia Scarlet. It is located on a ridge on the edge of the Misty Lake. From the outside, little can be seen but a well kept flower garden, scarlet tinted windows (though, notably, there as not as many windows as their should be for the size of the manor) and a large clock tower which only rings at night.
The inside of the mansion is much larger than is apparent from the outside.
Remilia has lived in this manor for over 500 years, and in fact, when she came to Gensokyo from the Outside World, she brought the entire mansion with her.
Bellow is a very quick run down of the various residents of Remilia's mansion. Some of these characters may appear as npcs in threads should the need arise, thus I figured it would be good to give a very quick over view of them here.

The chief maid who serves Remilia, she is the only human living within the mansion's walls. She has the ability to manipulate time and space, and it is because of her that the mansion is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside. It is rare to see Sakuya away from Remilia's side except when either out on errands or busy completing one of Remilia's requests. Extremely skilled with knifes. She in fact has many, many, knifes on her at all times.

Remilia's younger sister. Doesn't have a great grasp of her powers or how fragile most things are. She is also very shy and socially awkward and thus tends to keep to herself. Remilia cares about her very deeply and does her best to look out for her. Was living almost exclusively in the mansion's basement until the events of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.

A youkai magician (witch) who lives within a large private library within the mansion. Is not a member of the staff and is in fact Remilia's best and closest friend. The two have known each other for years. Patchouli will often help Remilia with whatever schemes the vampire comes up with. Refers to Remilia as 'Remi', and is referred as 'Pache' by Remilia. One of Patchouli's library assistants is a devil known as Koakuma.

A youkai who acts as both the mansion's gatekeeper and gardener. While she isn't very talented in spell card duels, she is extremely talented in other forms of combat. Most notably, she is known for her mastery of the martial arts. Has a very laid-back and easy going sort of personality.

Remilia has many fairy maids under her employment at the mansion. The fairies are actually all quite bad at their jobs (though, they try their best) and seem to only be there because Remilia figures a mansion as large as hers needs to have a lot of servants with in it. Sakuya is in charge of all of them, and also the one that actually gets any of the housework done. None of the maids get paid, though they are free to take vacations whenever they want.
Recently, Remilia has taken in some homeless hobgoblins as staff. They are significantly better employees than the fairies are, if nothing else.
Remilia's small pet chupacabra normally kept inside a very fancy cage. Remilia adores them and thinks they are very cute. Visual reference for Tupai can be found HERE

Most images/sprites will be taken from official material or various touhou doujinshi works. I'll try to keep a running list of sources used bellow.
Fantasy Kaleidoscope ~The Memories of Phantasm~
Remilia Sprite - Scarlet Weather RhapsodyMamizou Sprite - Touhou Puppet Dance Performance (Touhoumon)
Art found under 'Scarlet Devil Mansion' all by Baba SeimaijoVerse Art in order.https://twitter.com/kamindani/status/1298115167067070465Touhou: Adventures of Scarlet Curiosityhttps://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/79639404https://twitter.com/SUp524/status/1269266712685244423From Touhou World Journey (https://twitter.com/marchone_i/status/1175015595118493696)
Banner Image (https://twitter.com/ikurauni67/status/1261842516611002368)Profile icon (https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2235489)Promo Banner (https://mobile.twitter.com/majamari17/status/1295020423751405568)

Hello, there! My name is Irma I’m 24 years old and live in the U.S. (central standard time). You can refer to me using female pronouns (she/her). uvu/
If you have any questions about my muse please feel free to contact me!
I have a discord which mutuals are free to ask for at any time.
Fair warning, while I LOVE talking to people and do my best, I suck at keeping up with conversations most of the time and get very drained very quickly if I am to stretched out between too many convos at once. This has NOTHING to do with you, me not responding to your message likely just means I don’t know how to respond or simply forgot too. Please don’t let that discourage you from throwing yourself at me though, I swear you are NEVER a bother. It’s quite literally not you, it’s me. I suck at keeping up conversations sometimes :/